Sunday Preschool

American Martyrs Sunday Preschool

 The American Martyrs Sunday Preschool program is the second step of your child’s faith formation; home and family being the first. 

View 2024-2025 Calendar Register Now

The Sunday Preschool program is the ideal setting for our parish preschooler children to discover God's message of love and hope and is designed to awaken their sense of wonder and appreciation of the many gifts from our Creator.

  • Sunday Preschool meets during 9:45 am Mass, September - May in the elementary school classrooms at AMS.
  • Registration is open to all children ages 3, 4, 5 (or 6 if in Kindergarten)
  • Children must be 3 years old by September 1, 2024 and fully potty trained.
  • Registration fees are $150/child..

As a faith community rooted in the teachings and saving actions of Jesus Christ, we are committed to participating with and assisting families in their faith journey.

Thank you for exploring our Sunday Preschool for your child.

Sunday Preschool FAQ

When is Sunday preschool?

The Sunday Preschool meets twice a month, September-May during the 9:45.

Where does the Sunday preschool meet?

We use the elementary school classrooms at AMS. The walker gate on the corner of 15th and Laurel is open on class day for you to enter campus. On the first day of class, representatives from the Sunday Preschool will be inside and around the AMS school hall with room assignments. We will have helpers directing you and your child to their classroom. After the first day of class, you can drop your child off directly at their classroom.  

When am I able to drop my child off for class? 

We request that students be dropped off no earlier than 9:30 am.  

When do I pick my child up? 

Pick is up immediately after 9:45 Mass is over.  Please be considerate of our volunteer teachers and pick your child up first and then go to coffee and donuts or pancake breakfast.

What if my child has separation anxiety and is crying at drop off? 

We often have children who experience separation anxiety. We will do our best to engage with the child and distract them so you, as the parent, can safely and comfortably leave to attend Mass. Generally, we have great success at distraction and engagement, but every now and then there is a child who is just not settling down. At this point, we will
either have you stay with your child, or you can simply take your child to Mass and try again the following week.

Can my older child stay with my preschooler? 

No, only children who are registered with the program can attend class. We encourage you to take your older children to Mass with you. The Children’s Liturgy is another faith enrichment program during the 9:45 Mass and is for children grades 1-6. The Children’s Liturgy is led by Deacon Dick and Patti Williams. It meets in Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal room on the first Sunday of each month.

Do I need to volunteer in the classroom? 

Yes, we do have weekly parent helpers. Each class has their own sign up genius for volunteering.

Are snacks provided/included and are you a nut free environment? 

Yes, we do have a parent sign up to bring snacks to class and Yes, we ask that snacks be nut
free. Please note, the AMS campus in general, is not a nut-free environment.

How do I register? 

Registration for the 2024-25 school year is open.
Registration fees are $150/child.

How do I know what class my child is in and who their teacher is? 

Classes will be assigned in mid August and you will receive an email from your child’s teacher a week before classes start.

Can my child be in class with their BFF?  

Yes, we try our best to put children in the same class with their friends. Please indicate a teacher or friend preference on the “special request” box at registration.

When is registration open?  

Registration for the 2024-25 school year is open.

Registration fees are $150/child.
Registration will close October 1, 2024.

I am interested in teaching in the Sunday Preschool Program.   What is the time commitment and requirements? 

Thank you for your interest in teaching.  You can contact Kathy Glynn directly at 310-283-4374 for information.  Briefly, as a teacher for the Sunday School Program, you will be paired up with 1 or 2 other teachers and 1 or 2 student helpers and assigned a class.  You and the other teachers will be responsible for:
•           attending teacher orientation in September 
•           Bi-Weekly (or so) meeting with your class; September to May (see calendar for exact class dates)
•           Lesson preparation/planning of about 30 minutes - 1hour each lesson.  (we provide all lesson books and supplies for any crafts)
•           Fingerprinting through livescan
•           Child sexual awareness program completion (Virtus)