Spiritual Direction


  • Spiritual Direction is a personal encounter with God
  • concerned with developing our relationship with God and with discerning how the Holy Spirit is leading us in our lives
  • a contemplative and reflective process
  • a long standing faith practice in the tradition of the Catholic Church

Spiritual Direction is NOT psychotherapy or counseling.

What might lead you to seek Spiritual Direction at this time in your life?

The reasons may include:

  • to identify and trust your own experiences of God
  • to integrate spirituality into your daily life
  • to discern and make difficult choices
  • to share struggles, losses, joys or disappointments
  • to grow in relationship with God, self, others and creation.

Spiritual Directors meet monthly with their Directee.  The appointment is confidential, lasts about an hour beginning with prayer or a time for silence.  Fees vary, but no one will be turned away for inability to pay.